Ashley Yeager
Associate Editor, Science News
Ashley Yeager is the associate news editor at Science News. She is fascinated by the stars and the stuff between them — so much so that she once worked at one of the world’s largest telescopes and more recently wrote a book about astronomer Vera Rubin. Ashley has a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and a master’s degree in science writing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She enjoys hiking with her dogs, swimming and reading.
All Stories by Ashley Yeager
- Space
Weird black holes may reveal secrets of the early universe
Emerging evidence points to the existence of rogue black holes and other cosmic oddities — such as big black holes in tiny galaxies.
- Psychology
New training builds ‘mental’ muscles in athletes
The training builds focus and resiliency while limiting the self-doubt that can cripple competitors’ ability to perform at their peak.
- Brain
Evening screen time can sabotage sleep
Blue light from electronic devices can impair the body’s ability to sleep, making it hard to focus in the morning.
- Planets
Early Earth may have been a hot doughnut
Synestia is the name some scientists are giving to the smooshed shape Earth might have developed after undergoing a violent cosmic smashup early in its infancy.
- Space
Half the Milky Way may be stolen material
A galaxy may import up to half of its atoms from other celestial bodies. That suggests much of our Milky Way has foreign origins, new simulations suggest.
- Earth
Antarctic ice shelf sheds Delaware-sized iceberg
Larsen C is a major ice shelf in Antarctica. An iceberg the size of Delaware has just splintered off of it in one of the largest calving events ever recorded.
- Environment
Trees can make summer ozone levels much worse
The greenery can release chemicals into the air that react with combustion pollutants to make ozone. And trees release more of those chemicals where it gets really hot, a new study finds.
- Planets
Jupiter gets surprisingly complex new portrait
NASA’s Juno spacecraft has sent back unexpected details about Jupiter, giving scientists their first close-up of this gas giant.
- Space
How the solar system’s tail disappeared
A bubble envelops the planets and other material in the solar system. New data show it does not have a long tail but is round.
- Earth
Keeping space missions from infecting Earth and other worlds
Scientists are always looking for ways to stop Earthly microbes from polluting other planets. The same goes for bringing bits of other planets back to Earth.
- Animals
Cool Jobs: A world aglow
Three scientists probe how the natural world makes light, in hopes of using this information to design new and better products.
- Health & Medicine
Jiggly gelatin: Good workout snack for athletes?
Eating a vitamin-rich, Jell-O-like snack could help the body make the collagen needed to repair bones and ligaments that can be damaged by exercise.