behavior: The way something, often a person or other organism, acts towards others, or conducts itself.
computer model: A program that runs on a computer that creates a model, or simulation, of a real-world feature, phenomenon or event.
density: The measure of how condensed some object is, found by dividing its mass by its volume.
factor: Something that plays a role in a particular condition or event; a contributor.
freshwater: A noun or adjective that describes bodies of water with very low concentrations of salt. It’s the type of water used for drinking and making up most inland lakes, ponds, rivers and streams, as well as groundwater.
model: A simulation of a real-world event (usually using a computer) that has been developed to predict one or more likely outcomes. Or an individual that is meant to display how something would work in or look on others.
seawater: The salty water found in oceans.
vortices: (singular: vortex) Swirling whirlpools of some liquid or gas. Tornadoes are vortices, and so are the tornado-like swirls inside a glass of tea that’s been stirred with a spoon. Smoke rings are donut-shaped vortices.