
Gather and synthesize information that sensory receptors respond to stimuli by sending messages to the brain for immediate behavior or storage as memories.

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  2. Brain

    Scientists Say: Deep brain stimulation

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  3. Animals

    Invertebrates are pretty clever, but are they conscious?

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  4. Humans

    Senses help the brain interpret our world — and our own bodies

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  5. Brain

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  6. Brain

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  7. Tech

    Talking through a tube can trick AI into mistaking one voice for another

    Researchers crafted tubes that can trick AI into mistaking one person’s voice for another’s. Bad guys could use such tricks to hack into accounts.

  8. Psychology

    Scientists Say: Neurodivergent

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  9. Oceans

    How would a mermaid sound underwater?

    Human ears don’t work well in the water. A mermaid would need marine creature features to talk to and understand her aquatic friends.
