Scientists Say: Carbon capture
Carbon capture technology tackles climate change by stomping out carbon dioxide at the source.
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Carbon capture technology tackles climate change by stomping out carbon dioxide at the source.
It can slash diffuse sources of this extremely potent greenhouse gas, such as from livestock barns and other sites.
Destabilized by waves and vanishing sea ice, one of the glaciers lost 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) of ice in 16 months — a possible hint of worse to come.
Scientists made a device that converts the greenhouse gas into formate. This salt can then run a fuel cell to make electricity.
Offshore wind farms cost more than onshore ones. But their ability to make ‘green’ hydrogen and capture carbon dioxide could help this wind power pay off.
Giant kelp are at risk due to climate change and human activities. In New Zealand, a community effort is rebuilding these underwater algal forests.
Shading coral reefs during the sunniest part of the day may help corals survive marine heat waves.
From the manufacturing of our favorite devices to using them for social interactions, our digital lives can have a big climate impact.
Earth’s ongoing fever threatens to push entire forests toward this heat limit — and possible death.
This dangerous trend appears relatively new — and growing. Studies also have begun linking it to our warming world.